I just stumbled across an article where they are talking about the role of topically applied CBD. You can find the article here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7736837/

This is an excerpt from the article:  “Though a body of preclinical evidence suggests topical application of CBD may be efficacious for some skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, pruritis, and inflammatory conditions, confirmed clinical efficacy and elucidation of underlying molecular mechanisms have yet to be fully identified.”  What this is basically saying if I were to summarize, is that topically applied CBD might help some skin disorders, but we are not certain how yet and we haven’t studied it enough yet.

This seemed like something that could and should be heralded – not that it works, but that it MIGHT work.  If I were to have one of those conditions, I would like to know of something available over the counter that might be effective and is considered safe to use.